Supportive Community Building Services
Our SCBS Program is a 14-week life-skills training program serving women with issues of homelessness, addiction, mental health and/or histories of incarceration. Generally, one or more of these issues has caused significant disruption in their lives. Taught by our skilled, compassionate instructors, at-risk women learn to identify, pursue, and succeed in careers and educational endeavors that are a match for their interests, abilities, skills, and work values. Limited literacy, incomplete education, and a lack of facility with the English language makes it difficult for many of our at-risk participants to complete applications for jobs or housing, understand a supervisor’s instructions at work, or participate in training programs. This, in turn, prevents them from breaking the cycle of poverty and homelessness. Along with a skilled staff, Women in Progress engages compassionate volunteers from local agencies to help women gain these and other skills they need to rebuild their lives. Our English as a Second Language (ESL) program, staffed by volunteer educators, is designed as a drop-in, all-level program, meets three days a week. The curriculum is tailored to the needs of our at-risk participants. We strive to offer culturally competent instruction and focus on helping participants develop the language skills required for work and other real-life situations, such as making appointments, filling out applications, and communicating in the workplace.