Childcare & Family Development Program
This program will help children ages six weeks through five years old. The children are from women participating in our program or other programs in Lake County and the Cleveland–Elyria Metropolitan Statistical Area. All children have individualized learning and care plans to help them achieve their highest potential. In bright, engaging classrooms, each child is taught by nurturing, well-trained teachers. The goals are to help the children develop skills and autonomy; to promote a life-long love of learning; to increase communication skills; and to promote positive development. In addition to offering a safe, nurturing, and educational environment for the children, we will provide parents with counseling, support, advocacy, and connection to resources in the community. Social workers work directly with the parents to help them address their issues and involve them as positive actors in their child’s education. Parents are expected to commit to improving the situation of the family. Assistance is provided to parents with many issues, such as housing, education, training, health care, and employment. Children who have special needs are given additional help. The staff works closely with parents of these children to gain the resources to meet special needs once the child leaves our program and enters kindergarten. We offer healthy meals to all enrolled children. Neither the participant nor their child must be a U.S. citizen for them to receive meals. All children enrolled in this program will receive meals free of charge.